ocr: MAP Planetary Space Probes TIME 09/06/93 Jupiter Voyager 1 L Launchedi in 1977, flew by Jupiter Galileo in1979: and Saturnin 1980, now heading out oft the: solar system Launchedi in 1989, now near the asteroid Ida ando on ts waytoJupiter Mars Ulysses Observer Launchedin Pioneer 11 Launchedi in 1992 1990, flew by Launchedi in 1973, contact lost Aug.20th Jupiter, now flew byJupiter in 1974 Mercury heading back and: Satumin 1979, sune undert the: solar nowl heading oute of system the: solar system Earth Magellan Venus inorbit Launchedin around'Venus 1989,now Voyager 2 Asteroid Belt Pioneer 10 Lau ...